PEI Women Conference: This event designed to help women within the energy handling equipment industry further the advancement of their organizations and their own personal growth is April 9-11 in Austin, TX.
Transportation Energy Institute (TEI) Annual Conference: The TEI 2024 conference will take place May 13-15 in Minneapolis, MN, and will address topics related to “Innovation for Sustainable Transportation.” Register here.
STI/SPFA Annual Meeting: The event from April 18-20 in Scottsdale, AZ, will include industry updates, leadership, and professional development. Register here.
EMA Washington Conference and Day on the Hill: Energy Marketers of America’s annual conference will be May 15-17 in Washington, D.C. Register by April 26 here.
Conexxus Annual Conference: This conference about pressing technology challenges will be April 28 to May 2 in Arlington, TX. Register here.