The Source University training facility in Arlington, TX, hosted two well-attended programs that educated attendees about underground and aboveground storage equipment.
The Oneida Nation Compliance Assistance Program’s three-day Tribal UST Boot Camp Workshop covered all facets of UST system installation. The program featured many guest speakers, an equipment identification exercise, a field trip to a gas station and much more.
The Steel Tank Institute presented an Aboveground Storage Tank Inspection class for certification to SP001, the STI/SPFA industry standard for tank inspections that is also recognized by the U.S. EPA and state regulators.
Source University recently added an aboveground storage tank (AST) display to the fueling system exhibit. Featuring equipment used in commercial and remote applications, the new display highlights two methods for dispensing fuel through an AST configuration.
To inquire about setting up an event at the training center or to take a 360° tour of the training facility’s classroom amenities, please visit